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Hip Pain: Why it affects your Golf Game

Your hips are made up of some of the largest and most powerful muscles in
the body.  The strength and stability of this area is essential for
standing, walking, running and other movement.  The hip area also determines
symmetry in the body which can affect your posture when standing or moving.
These large muscles of the hips also supply the energy needed for the golf
swing.  It takes over 32 lbs. of muscles to supply the power to initiate
your swing.  When you look for 32 lbs of muscle in the body you do not find
it in the arms or shoulders.  You have to look at the back, hips and legs.
Restrictions of the hip joints and the surrounding muscles are common,
especially as we age or become more sedentary.  These restrictions can also
affect the nearby structures such as the lower back and knees.

Golfers who complain of hip pain usually experience pain in the low back,
over the sacrum, down the side of the legs, or down the back of the legs.
This pain in the hip or buttock area may be caused by many sources.  The
pain will often be aggravated by certain positions like sitting or bending
over.  Even sitting for a long time on your wallet can precipitate this
discomfort! Tightness in the large hip muscles may affect how freely your
hip joints move.  Tight muscles can also press down upon the largest nerve
in your body, the Sciatic Nerve.  Nerves are very sensitive to light levels
of pressure, so it does not take a great deal of pressure to cause
significant problems.  Pressure on the nerves may cause the golfer to feel
sensations of pain, numbness, or a ³pins and needles² sensation.  The goal
then, is to reduce the tension on these muscles and encourage them to
release to their normal length.

Golf is a game of rotation in many areas of the body.  When there is a lack
of rotation in the hips, the body compensates by asking for more movement
from the knees and ankles. Lack of normal hip rotation will also cause many
muscle imbalances in the body, causing the golfer to overuse his back,
shoulders, and arms, which can result in additional injuries.
Reduced rotation and flexibility in the hips alters swing mechanics (limits
both the backswing and follow through), which results in reduced power.  No
golfer wants less power and distance on their drives!

Common swing faults when having hip pain or stiffness are: Poor posture and
tension at the address, incomplete body turn, poor power development, and
poor follow through. The result is inconsistency in your swings! Thatıs no
way to help improve your scores!

What can you do to help your pain? The most effective treatment results from
hip pain come from a multidisciplinary approach. Condition yourself for the
game of golf by following a personally designed program that includes
stretching of the tight hip muscles, improvement of posture and
coordination, and increasing your strength and power.   Resolution may
additionally require proper mobilization of the joints, so refer to a
chiropractor or other medical practitioner.

Valerie Corbin is a Golf Biomechanic Therapist, Certified Orthopedic and
Sports Massage Therapist, and Certified Personal Trainer.  For more
information call 480-556-9838.